Adding GitHub extensions to your project

I have come across the expression “Copy-paste the xxx folder into your project.” I have downloaded and unpacked the .zip file, now what do I do? E.g. in the Task Manager tutorial I want to change the background screen color in IOS by using the " [jkleroy/iOSDesignExtensions/blob/master/iOSDesignExtensions/ViewExtensionsXC.xojo_code]".

1.How do I get that code into the Task Manager project?
2.What is the difference between a plugin and an extension?
3. If I were to load all 100+ functions available, do they take up space in all my projects or does the system choose only the extensions I need?

Open the example project, select the iosDesignExtensions folder in the navigator, copy it, go to your project, click something on the navigator (like App) and Paste.

Greg, Sorry to be dense, but could you be specific?

  1. What is the “example” project? Should I use Xojo to open the iosDesignExtensions.xojo_project module in the folder unzipped form the ioDesignExtensions GitHub? Or my Task Manager project.
  2. What is the navigator referred to in the first “folder in the navigator”? Are you talking about the Xojo navigator section of the screen, the Xojo Open function, or the Finder?
  3. “copy it” - what is copied?

I appreciate that this is very basic stuff, but baffling to me right now. Thank you.

Open this file:

  1. the project you downloaded and want to use some stuff sfrom, I would have thought.

  2. The navigator section of teh IDE window. That is where it needs to come from in one projerct and go to in the other.

  3. Copy is as with any copy: highlight the object you want in the source IDE navigator, right-mouse, and select Copy. Select App in the destination IDE navigator, right-mouse it, select Paste.

Xojo compiler is “supposed” to be smart enough to only include Modules and classes that are used.

Footprint of iOSDesignExtensions in a compiled app is approximately 2MB.

Thank you all, I finally understand!

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