It seems in the changes from version to version of Xojo I’ve forgotten how to add a toolbar to the window.
I see it in the control in the library but don’t seem to be able to drop it onto the window.
Sorry for the newbie question!
First you add it to your project. Drag it from the far right (the library) to the far left (the navigator). Design the toolbar, and then drag it from the navigator to your window.
I followed the documentation steps. It is not that easy, but doable.
Note: using #Target and some other tricks (MacOSLib, WFL), you can set different icons depending on the running platform / OS versions; it gaves me some smile when I do that !
A Windows XP icon while running XP, 7, 8, 8.1 folder icon while running WIndows 7-9;
A 10.7 to 10.9 folder Icon when running these versions, a Yosemite folder Icon when running
Yosemite !
And the list can be very long (even if I do not explored it).