About the xojo_binary_project files

When one open a project (xojo_binary_project) with 2015r4.1, it is displayed as usual.

When one save the project and load it with a previous version (say 2015r1), a warning message is displayed.

Here’s the question:
I only modified a typo error in a comment file before saving the project to disk with 2015r4.1. What modification can be done to the project since I do not add code to call a feature added after 2015r1 was released ?

The warning simply tells you that the version the project was saved in is newer than the version you are currently using.
It doesn’t mean that any code was changed, it doesn’t mean that any new features are included…
It DOES mean, its up to you to be aware… so if the older version of XOJO shows syntax errors, it might be because of something “new”

If you have them, often the CopyFile links become disabled when loading in a previous version, so check them (well if does for me every time going from the latest Xojo to Xojo 2015R2.4 to compile for XP).

It means exactly what it says
And the last line is VERY relevant

This project was saved with a newer version of Xojo (version XXXXX). Xojo will convert your project to work with this version (version XXXX). This could result in data loss should you choose to save your project.

And the last line is VERY relevant
Sorry, language barrier here (certainly). Do you mean to the Xojo users to stop checking their projects with a new version because they will loose data if they unluckingly save their project with that newer version ?
(overwrite their project by error ? with the newer version…)

What data loss can be done if the only change is a typo in a comment ? That is basically the question.

I carefully used that example so no one can think at code change that is know only by the current version and so unknow (so lost) by the older version.

I can rephrase it to: is unchanged code for Xojo 2014 saved differently when saved with Xojo 2015r4.1 ?
Or: I load an old Xojo project in Xojo 2015r4.1 and save it as… using a different name. Are the two projects identicals or did I lost something ? [the project was not changed).
OK: this one I can eventually do at at most compare the two projects size.

The purpose of the question ? I have troubles with a project and had the stupid idea to check if these troubles exists with Xojo 2015r4.1 and saved some changes. Since then, I have other troubles.
Since I want to build an application AND cannot upgrade now (and probably in the whole year 2016), I trashed 2015r4.1 and will install a new release only when I will be able to upgrade. Unfortunately, if I found troubles in Xojo, I will not check if these appears in the then current version and will not report it.

This could result in data loss should you choose to save your project.
I can understand this sentence as “you may or not suffer from data loss”. If so, what is the critter for a data loss.

[quote=250788:@Emile Schwarz]>And the last line is VERY relevant
Sorry, language barrier here (certainly). Do you mean to the Xojo users to stop checking their projects with a new version because they will loose data if they unluckingly save their project with that newer version ?
(overwrite their project by error ? with the newer version…)
No - if you work on a project in a NEW version then open it in an old version that old version mat drop Properties - of a project item, the project itself - dropped when you use an old version where those properties do NOT exist
The old version has no idea what to do with them an ignores them

I cannot think of a scenario where code would be altered

However if you added code to a new event in the new version then opened it in an old version where that event does not exist then you will get a compilation error referring to that event since the old version of Xojo does not have such an event.

[quote=250819:@Norman Palardy]I cannot think of a scenario where code would be altered

However if you added code to a new event in the new version then opened it in an old version where that event does not exist then you will get a compilation error referring to that event since the old version of Xojo does not have such an event.[/quote]

Hi Norman:

I think this answers my question: current version (Xojo 15r4.1) does not save"old code" differently than a previous version (say any of the 2015 versions) provided I do not use code specific to the current version.

This is what I wanted to know: my current troubles does not comes because of the project was saved with 15r4.1 (loaded for debug testings) and opened back with 15r1.

I have to search elsewhere for my troubles on that project.

Of course, if I used 201Rr4.1 specific code, 2015r1 will ignore it at project load time / provided the warning message you wrote above…