One way is to add a column which is the two names concatenated.
Or, in case there is any chance that two different names can combine to be the same one…
Joe Tal Jo Etal
Then you can concatenate with a character in the middle
Joe|Tal Jo|Etal
However, from experience, Firstname and Surname are far from unique.
I personally know 3 Peter Smiths
You need a true UID - here in the UK that could be NI Number (although not everyone has one)
email address, or telephone can be problematic because people change those over time.
If this is a DB for personnel, use Employee ID / Payroll number
If it is for a club or user list, assign a membership number and use that.
I asked this question for a data base who will store book writers (Edgar Allan Poe or Jules Verne). But the question arise some times ago about real life persons and I do not have a single idea then, so I dropped the idea (as too complex).
Joe Tal and Jo Etal
I do not think at that… (or forget this ever exist).
What I think but never implemented was to store the results (Hey, I poll a data base, so many results can be received) in a ListBox and let the use choose one…
I will let the things as they currently are. Maybe in the next weeks, I come with another idea (or enlarge the window to add a ListBox or use a Dialog Window with a ListBox and clear it when the user have choosed an entry…)
Question. You, by any chance, won’t have more than one “Jack Simpson”, for example, from a family in Alabama, and another one, not related “Jack Simpson”, from New York? (Homonym).
OK, I get it now. I use a value for one Joe Newbie and set it to all its work and a second (and different / UNIQUE) value for Joe Newbie (#2) for all its work. So, beside a for Search feature (without its ID), where I will get two returned Records, there is clear “frontier” between them.