I have a web page with a WebContainer in which I embed all my controls.
All my controls are based on a WebContainer with a WebCanvas inside it.
(I’m not sure the WebContainer around the WebCanvas is strictly necessary but that’s how it is at the moment)
When my WebPage is ‘Open’ I create all my controls and put them in a list.
When my Page is ‘Shown’ I go through the list of my Controls and Embed them within the top level WebContainer.
Now at some point the ‘mouse enters’ one of the Canvas Objects. When that happens I want to pop up a ‘hover over’ like window.
This window is just another WebContainer.
So how do I get this to pop up on my web page and disappear when the mouse exit event is raised?
i.e. what is the opposite of EmbedWithin?
The Canvas’s parent is a WebContainer and it’s Parent is the top level webContainer. Must I send events ‘up’ by defining new events? (me.parent.parent seems possible but not wise)
Must I somehow add my Control to the ‘list’ of all controls, and if so how, and if so how do I redraw my page?
There are allready embeded object in the top level control, must they be deleted and re-added?