About migrate MultiValue PICK Systems Database

Hi Everything.

I’ve reading about ancient databases and I have an old MultiValue Pick System Database that I want to migrate to a modern System for Example to MySQL and so access it through Xojo. :smiley:

I understand that this kind of database are non-relational database or Non-SQL. But in another website I’ve heard about is possible to access it with a SQL system.

Is this true? Anyone knows something about it and how to do it?

Thanks in Advance

I noticed that this database split the database in .VOL Files. I suppose that is does for manage big amount of data instead of have a big database file

What platform of Pick? D3, Adds, Unidata, Universe, Reality, Revelation, jBASE, QM, … ?

The flavor determines your options to a certain degree.

Mapping Pick tables to SQL is a bit different depending on platform.


I use jBASE in my day job combined with VB.net and have used Adds Mentor and mvBase in the past.

Also I would recommend PostgreSQL since the licensing is safer.

Gerardo, soy Victor Bravo de BMI MEXICO. Tengo mas de 30 aos de experiencia trabajando con bases de datos multivalor (D3, Universe, JBase, Revelation, OpenQM), radico en la ciudad de Mxico.
Si es de tu inters con gusto puedo apoyarte en la migracin o el aprovechamiento de tu base de datos.
Saludos cordiales