Aaaaargh! Kill the spammer!

Murder, death, kill!

I just loaded the forum and had a whole screen full of Chinese spam!

I run a forum myself and I really don’t see the point in flooding a forum that way… :-/

It should be easy to prevent too. Nobody posts 300 threads in a few minutes.

no,it’s not chinese,but korea language

I found it enlightening and enterprising , and I’m sure that if I could understand what it said, I would be very interested in sending money or bank details to this fine upstanding Korean enterprise.

I often get told that I’m posting things too quickly, some clever script kiddie must have found a bug in the forum software.

I dumped his post into Google Translate : it does not even mean anything.

He is spamming the whole world his online casino.

It seems totally pointless, unless there are lots of Korean, gambling, software developers who are members of this forum.
Maybe a member of staff could provide us with the number of members who fit that criteria :slight_smile:

You’re incorrect.

It’s the number of potential Korean, gambling, software developers who are members of this forum.

Well, I stand corrected :slight_smile:

Asian spammers don’t do such an elaborate focus : they spray their message through every channel they find indiscriminately. When I look at my GMail spam folder, I am always amazed at the poor quality of spam, and total irrelevance.

Yes, I see that too. Of course it does make the truly professional spam/clickbait/malware ones look all that more enticing to end users. For years I’ve been reminding (harping on?) users of my D3™ process, “Doubt=Delete. Don’t click!”.

I have another D3™ process for corporate PHBs, “Diffuse, Defer, Defenestrate”, but that’s a different conversation. :slight_smile:

A word of warning; you’ll upset any Chinese or Taiwanese person by confusing them with Koreans!

In general the Taiwanese hate Korea, except they love Korean food and buy cheaper Korean made products over the more expensive Taiwan brands.

Sounds like calling a Kiwi a Pom or Aussie and vice versa

Or calling a Canadian an American :wink:

or vice versa :slight_smile:


I’ve heard of Americans “disguising” themselves as Canadians when travelling overseas by wearing Canadian flags and pins.
Never the other way round though :slight_smile:

We’re noted for being obsessively polite. So much so that when we were in Germany I easily spotted another Canadian when someone else bumped into them & the person who’d been run into apologized. I chuckled to myself and asked where in Canada they were from. Turns out they were from not far from us in Saskatchewan.

Is Qubec part of Canada? I didn’t notice anyone being polite. Just the opposite of other Canadians.