64 bit support for linux

When will the 64 bit support available for linux ? (in particular web applications?)
I do not want (or in some cases can) install 32 bit libraries.
In an announcement made last year xoxo people said that they will expect the support to be available by the first quarter of 2015 …

[quote=193293:@Gianni Piccoli]When will the 64 bit support available for linux ? (in particular web applications?)
I do not want (or in some cases can) install 32 bit libraries.
In an announcement made last year xoxo people said that they will expect the support to be available by the first quarter of 2015 …[/quote]
Linux web/console is scheduled for R3 this summer, according to Geoff.


Eh, you know that expectations and reality are two separate things. It’s been rumored they’re working on it, but unless you work for Xojo or part of an Alpha/Beta group who knows (and if so, are unable to speak of it due to the terms of being in either of those groups), then you won’t know until it is here. One Tuesday morning you’ll wake up and be like, OH SURPRISE!

[quote=193296:@Gavin Smith]Linux web/console is scheduled for R3 this summer, according to Geoff.


There ya’ go… :slight_smile:

64 bit is coming - really