We run a XOJO standalone web app, 32bit, hosted on a VPSprovided by FutureHosting.com running Centos 6.4.
as an alternative, we also host a CGI version on the same server.
A week ago my developer updated Xojo to the latest version 2015r4, and now some older browsers cannot run the HTTPS version of the web app, which is the default linked from our mainwebsite.
Internet Explorer instantly responds with :Cannot display the webpage - because 'the website is temporarily unavailable" and a host of other reasons, none of which are true.
However the same browser can open the web app, using the HTTP link, or the alternative CGI app with HTTPS
So how is that even possible? If the browser has a problem, it is logical that it shouldnt be able to open any version of the web app.
Also, why does it fail instantly, browsers tend to time out after a period when this kind of error occurs.
Our customer base include a lot of govt and health institutions and as such work on controlled pc environments, its not as simple as telling them to upgrade their browsers.
Browsers that I have repeated this issue on are:
Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10 on Windows 7 (fresh OS install using VM from Microsoft)
Safari 6 on OSX 10.8
Browsers that work fine include:
IE 11 on Windows 7
Safari 9 on OSX 10.10
Firefox and Chrome latest versions on any OS
The Web app is not creating any logs on the host, so the server is not giving me any info for the error, and neither is Developer Options in the browser.
I am not sure if there is a solution other than upgrade browsers, but posting this to see if anyone else is experiencing it. and if possible, why?