2015 R1 on Windows XP

When one downloads 2015 R1 for Windows, it says it works on Vista and above.

I just installed it on XP. It did not complain on install. I then ran the IDE, and it did not complain then, either.

Has anyone run 2015 R1 on XP? Do things work?


If I recall correctly, the IDE is not supported on Windows XP.

It may work but its not officially supported so any issues you run into would likely be replied to with “Update to Vista or newer”
XP has a memory allocator issue that is quite well known which means frequent saves & restarts of the IDE should be a normal work routine.

Vista & newer do NOT have this same issue - hence the recommendation of using Vista & newer

Note this ONLY affects running the IDE - compiled apps do run on XP SP 3 and do not have this particular issue

[quote=172940:@Bob Gordon]When one downloads 2015 R1 for Windows, it says it works on Vista and above.

I just installed it on XP. It did not complain on install. I then ran the IDE, and it did not complain then, either.

Has anyone run 2015 R1 on XP? Do things work?


Most probably your XP version is too old. I am using regularly 2015R1 on Windows XP SP3. Previous versions won’t work.

To check which version you have, go Control Panel, and in the Help menu of the Control Panel, select “About Windows”.

If XP is Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 3, you must download and install the Service Pack 3.

See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322389

Time for a drink i think?
Bob said it worked fine on his setup, he seemed to be asking if there were any pitfalls down the road he should be aware off. I think Norman provided the answer.