2014R3.2 Weblistbox and websegmented control on chrome mobile

hy there, it seems there is a problem with chrome mobile on android kitkat 4.4 with xojo release 3.2 the websegmented control and weblistbox wont respond to klick (touch) on control. for the segmented control there is a small line on the buttom of the control where it responds. the listbox is very sluggish and wil select the rows very slow.
Is chrome mobile on the supported browser list ?
i didnt tried the earlier releases therfore i can not say anything about regressions

A bug was reported about WebListbox on Touch devices yesterday that we’re looking into.

Please file a bug report in Feedback about the WebSegmentedControl and include a sample project.

[quote=159720:@Christian Jesse]hy there, it seems there is a problem with chrome mobile on android kitkat 4.4 with xojo release 3.2 the websegmented control and weblistbox wont respond to klick (touch) on control. for the segmented control there is a small line on the buttom of the control where it responds. the listbox is very sluggish and wil select the rows very slow.
Is chrome mobile on the supported browser list ?
i didnt tried the earlier releases therfore i can not say anything about regressions[/quote]

On an Android device, I was able to obtain a normal response for the segmentedControl by using a canvas over each segment, and use its MouseDown event as Action. It is necessary to manage the selected state for each segment, though.

No workaround for the WebListbox, unfortnately.