2 rect control Scroll simultaneously

Hi everyone
is it possible to synchronize the scroll movement between two listBox… ( Same question for textarea )
Meaning: both listbox will visually scroll together regardless which one is manually scroll by user
Actually i’m able to set same scroll position for both
But for each event: Mouse down…mouse move or mousewheel… it’s not fluide… really synchronize

dim Scroll As Integer Scroll = me.ScrollPosition TextArea2.ScrollPosition = Scroll

make both listbox members of the same control set, then you only have one set of events to deal with

Thanks Dave
must something that i don’t quite manage about event
even with one control set… it’s not fluide
something about my approach ?

If I recall this was discussed in this thread: https://forum.xojo.com/19291-sync-scrolling-of-2-text-areas

Thank you Langue
I will try Michel’s solution