14 Days: A Beginner’s Guide to Coding

If you develop with API2, there is a 4th edition of “Introduction to Programming with Xojo”.

The link is in the blog entry, Day 2, the Screen Shot shows the 3rd Edition.

Blog Article .

Same blog, other article ( Entry :
Bézier, not Bèzier. This typo exist elsewhere (but I forgot where).

I noticed recently that I wrote Viking with a c (Vicking); I still do not know why (maybe I wrote it that way since the first time 50 or 60 years ago ?)

If you go to the Xojo download page (link for day 2), it also has the 3rd edition image: https://www.xojo.com/resources/learn.php

I have seen Bzier, Bzier and Bezier, I guess some countries/languages use one form or other. Bzier even in some academic documents:
This document has Bzier on the title and most mentions inside are Bzier and a couple Bezier:

Even patent applications with Bzier: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/7e/bf/cf/37edefd86dc9ae/US20110285736A1.pdf

Wikipedia (en) have the correct spelling. A simple search (and I do not talk about the correct use of a word processor) would return the correct spelling. I read the newspapers and I know what orphan(s) and widow(s) are. Most of the time they don’t.

On day 1, you know how to write a certain word.
On day 1000, and during 10 years, you read that same word with a typo.
Question: after how many read do you start to write that word with the typo ?

If I remove what I wrote in the previous three lines, I do not have any trouble with typos. In fact I discovered that sometimes in the last 20 years (around 1999 I think): in a newspaper article, they used nearly 20 times the same word and only once it have the correct typo. I realised that I had doubts and so I open a paper dictionary to check.

Also, I saw work of some people who have a university diploma doing sloppy work (and are paid for that) while I am able to realize the wrong job but I do not have job at all.

There is something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark. Isn’t it ?

PS: fortunately, most of the time, Xojo told us when there is a typo; the remainder is when the word with the typo exists within Xojo ;).

Hi @Emile Schwarz

I did the correction, and sure it will be available soon! Sorry for the typo, I hope you enjoyed the blog articles anyway!

The Merriam-Webster site mention that Bzier Curve is a variant or less commonly use form of Bezier Curve:

Since wikipedia would have us believe they are named after a French man, Pierre Bzier, who designed Renault cars, wouldn’t it be correct to spell it as his name is spelled ?
IF this is true then Webster has a spelling error :slight_smile: