How to intercept file download in HTMLViewer

When Webkit is used as render engine for HTMLViewer a file downloaded gets automatically saved in the user Documents folder.
There is a way for the application to control where to save the file?

Best regards

Mac desktop?
For that we WebDownloadDelegateMBS class in MBS Plugin.

Sorry, I missed the forum name. For Windows we have no plugin function, sorry.

You could try intercepting the click using the CancelUrl event and then use an httpsocket to download the file yourself.

Thank you Greg.
I’ll try it and I’ll let you know.

Best regards.

Works fine.
Thank you Greg for your suggestion, very helpful as usual.

Best regards.

[quote=56746:@Maurizio Rossi]When Webkit is used as render engine for HTMLViewer a file downloaded gets automatically saved in the user Documents folder.
There is a way for the application to control where to save the file?

Best regards[/quote]
I tried to download files with Htmlviewer But nothing is downloaded in Documents folder as yo said. I dunno if i missing something or what?

And i put a msgbox to URL in cancelload event inorder to cancha te link AND tren pass these value to httpsocket But nothing happen