In what version of Xojo did Raspberry PI begin?

I have Version 2019 Release 1.1 and I don’t see raspi as a platform.
My License for Pro expired Jul 20,2019

Am I missing something… like it’s just a desktop app for linux and you select a processor?

[quote]Pi 2, 3 and 4 running:

  • Raspbian Jessie
  • Raspbian Jessie with Pixel
  • Raspbian Stretch
  • libunwind8 library
    Other single-board computers that are compatible with a 32-bit or 64-bit ARMv7 CPU may also work, but are not officially supported. Raspbian is the only supported OS.[/quote]

Desktop — > Select the ARM 32-bit for architecture

you also do not need any paid licence for PI, just ask hello @ xojo for a licence and you will get the target licence for free, anyone can build Pi without a licence.

On System Requirements
In the Desktop Apps System Requirements section Raspberry PI 64-bit ARMv7 CPU seems to be supported…

But it’ not very clear and it’s not explained how!

Could somebody help us?

42794 - Add 64 bit ARM Linux Build Support
Feedback Case #42794

my Raspberry Pi Zero W had ARMv6 CPU :frowning:

Xojo needs ARMv7 as far as I know.

You can get a free Pi license on the website here:

[quote=495185:@Calvi Tecnologie srl Calvi]In the Desktop Apps System Requirements section Raspberry PI 64-bit ARMv7 CPU seems to be supported…

But it’ not very clear and it’s not explained how![/quote]

Start here:

[quote=494312:@Brian O’Brien]I have Version 2019 Release 1.1 and I don’t see raspi as a platform.
My License for Pro expired Jul 20,2019
Am I missing something… like it’s just a desktop app for linux and you select a processor?[/quote]

Support first appeared as an additional Linux target in 2015r3

Brian, if you do as Dana suggests, you get a licence that is for the CURRENT IDE.

its not important what your last paid subscription was, and I think (but stand to be corrected) you do not actually have to ever had any form of licence to be able to code and BUILD for the Pi using the latest (if you are brave) release version of the IDE.

I suspect (but again stand to be corrected) that licence may be valid for any previous version of the IDE if you want to use a previous version for what ever reason.