Type mismatch error. Expected Integer, but got Boolean

Why am I getting this compile error:

HLGlobals1.PushBatch, line 152
Type mismatch error. Expected Integer, but got Boolean
Select Case ldTot

Dim ldTot as Integer
ldTot = (e.TotalSeconds - rs.Field("MemberSince").DateValue.TotalSeconds) /31536000
Select Case ldTot
Case 0
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "Less than 1 Year"
Case ldTot >= 1 and ldTot < 3
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "1 - 2 Years"
Case ldTot > 2 and ldTot < 5
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "3 - 4 Years"
Case ldTot > 4 and ldTot < 6
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "5 Years"
Case ldTot > 5 and ldTot < 11
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "6 - 10 Years"
Case ldTot > 9 and ldTot < 21
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "11 - 19 Years"
Case ldTot > 20 
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "20 Years or more"

i guess your condition return true/false
its more select case true

I think it might be that Case ldTot > 2 and ldTot < 5 evaluates out to a boolean, but the select case is an integer. You need to use the to keyword to evaluate as an integer.

Try something like this:

select case ldTot
case 0
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "Less than 1 Year"

case 1, 2
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "1 - 2 Years"

case 3, 4
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "3 - 4 Years"

case 5
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "5 Years"

case 6 to 10
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "6 - 10 Years"

case 11 to 19
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "11 - 19 Years"

case else
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "20 Years or more"

Or just use the good IF. Not your case, but if you were dealing with fractions, a Select Case would not fit well.

[code] If ldTot < 1 Then
demoTenure.DemographicValue = “Less than 1 Year”

ElseIf ldTot >= 1 and ldTot < 3 Then
demoTenure.DemographicValue = “1 - 2 Years”

ElseIf ldTot > 2 and ldTot < 5 Then
demoTenure.DemographicValue = “3 - 4 Years”

ElseIf ldTot = 5 Then
demoTenure.DemographicValue = “5 Years”

ElseIf ldTot > 5 and ldTot < 11 Then
demoTenure.DemographicValue = “6 - 10 Years”

ElseIf ldTot > 10 and ldTot < 20 Then
demoTenure.DemographicValue = “11 - 19 Years”

ElseIf ldTot > 19 Then
demoTenure.DemographicValue = “20 Years or more”

I think that you are seeing the issue because the Case statement arguments are being evaluated as Booleans.

Case ldTot >= 1 and ldTot < 3
evaluates as if condition 1 is true and if condition 2 is true then... but since you’re specifying integer as the select basis, you get the error.

your cases, while checking an integer, give a TRUE FALSE result
(is the value in this range etc)

so use SELECT CASE TRUE and it will pick the first one where the expression is TRUE

Dim ldTot as Integer
ldTot = (e.TotalSeconds - rs.Field("MemberSince").DateValue.TotalSeconds) /31536000

Select Case true
Case ldTot = 0 // <<<<<<<< this one changed
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "Less than 1 Year"
Case ldTot >= 1 and ldTot < 3
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "1 - 2 Years"
Case ldTot > 2 and ldTot < 5
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "3 - 4 Years"
Case ldTot > 4 and ldTot < 6
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "5 Years"
Case ldTot > 5 and ldTot < 11
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "6 - 10 Years"
Case ldTot > 9 and ldTot < 21
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "11 - 19 Years"
Case ldTot > 20 
  demoTenure.DemographicValue = "20 Years or more"

Tim and Rick fixed the original code (related to ranges):

ldTot > 9 and ldTot < 21

is for 10 - 20 years and not 11 - 19 years

ldTot > 20

is for 21 Years or more and not 20 Years or more

Just FYI.