
Some of my certificates are due to expire
One is '3rd Party Mac Developer Application’

I have generated all the certificates that I can find on the Developer site and installed same, but none have installed one of these.
There is no certificate of that name on the developer portal.
Which one is it?

Apple Development
Sign development versions of your iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps.

  • Maximum number of certificates generated

Apple Distribution
Sign your apps for submission to the App Store or for Ad Hoc distribution.

  • Maximum number of certificates generated

iOS App Development
Sign development versions of your iOS app. … (not for desktop?)

iOS Distribution (App Store and Ad Hoc)
Sign your iOS app for submission to the App Store or for Ad Hoc distribution. … (not for desktop?)

Mac Development
Sign development versions of your Mac app.

  • Maximum number of certificates generated

Mac App Distribution
This certificate is used to code sign your app and configure a Distribution Provisioning Profile for submission to the Mac App Store.
… not submitting to App Store

Mac Installer Distribution
This certificate is used to sign your app’s Installer Package for submission to the Mac App Store.
… not submitting to App Store

Developer ID Installer
This certificate is used to sign your app’s Installer Package for distribution outside of the Mac App Store.
-Maximum number of certificates generated

Developer ID Application
This certificate is used to code sign your app for distribution outside of the Mac App Store
-installed and expires in 2025

I think it’s the last one. I love how the names are different.

I thought so too.
But KeyChain doesnt think so, and neither does App Wrapper. :frowning:

It is now known as the knights who say Apple Distribution…

Which is an iOS development certificate, wonderful huh!

Which is an iOS development certificate<<
Grand. So I dont need it for desktop.

[quote=490918:@Jeff Tullin]>>Which is an iOS development certificate<<
Grand. So I dont need it for desktop.[/quote]
Yes; you now use the iOS certificate for both iOS and desktop.

Didn’t you get the memo? No, neither did I.

Me, too. “Revoke” to remove it = not visible where it should be, near the “Download” button.

Me, again. Currently, I’m in contact with Apple about this issue (Developer Account/Contact us/Membership and account" → write the message) , and they wrote about this issue:

“If a certificate expires after 5 years, you can replace it by creating a new certificate. When three certificates expire, you can create three new certificates. You can find the expiration date of your certificates in your developer account.”

Some years left at my account, we’ll see.