Can XOJO made web app for mobile and responsive

Can XOJO made web app for mobile and responsive (Yes/No)

Can it be done: Yes
Easily: No

if any examples in xojo for it

That depends on the framework you’re looking at. There’s a topic in the pre-release channel that may interest you.


GraffitiWebWall can help if you just want to have containers cascade based on the size of the viewport. You can see it in action in the GraffitiSuite demo homepage and read the documentation here.

Check out this thread

I’ll be doing something similar when Web2.0 is out

Oficial Xojo answer for current web edition: NO

Oficial Xojo Workaround: Make one page for small devices, one for medium devices and another one for big devices and use WebSession.Platform to choose wich one to display.

But, as Brock said, there are other non official ways.
