Problem CSV Text Encoding Excel

I have the following problem. I am working with Xojo 2019 3.1 Windows.
I would like to create a CSV file with Xojo. When I open them in the text editor, the special characters are OK. If I open them with Excel 2019, the special characters are not OK. See pictures.
What am I doing wrong?

[code]Dim file As FolderItem = new FolderItem(“C:\tmp\BAB.csv” , FolderItem.PathTypeNative)

Dim fileStream As TextOutputStream

If file <> Nil Then

dim BA as string = “101020”
dim ArtikelNr as string = “banoio® FZK”

fileStream = TextOutputStream.Create(file)


dim txt as string

txt = BA + “;”+ArtikelNr+";"

fileStream.WriteLine(ConvertEncoding(txt, Encodings.WindowsANSI))


end if

Thank you in advance for the help.


Every IO needs its strings encoded properly. You need to check and test for the matching one. In your case it could be ASCII and/or Windows ISO Latin 1. Please check XOJO documentation

Hello Tomas,

I changed the program. It now tests all 95 Xojo encodings. Nevertheless, the correct encoding is not included.

Does anyone else have an idea?

[code]Dim file As FolderItem = new FolderItem(“C:\tmp\BAB.csv” , FolderItem.PathTypeNative)

Dim fileStream As TextOutputStream

//system.DebugLog Encodings.count.totext

If file <> Nil Then

dim BA as string = “101020”
dim ArtikelNr as string = “banoio® FZK”

fileStream = TextOutputStream.Create(file)


dim txt as string

for i as integer = 0 to Encodings.count-1

var t as TextEncoding = Encodings.item(i)
txt = t.internetName + ";"+ArtikelNr+";"
fileStream.WriteLine(ConvertEncoding(txt, t))



end if

Thanks Norbert

The first thing to do is to use a dedicated csv writer and not do the csv yourself.

The macOS version of Excel opens a csv file without showing the import dialog in Excel. When doing an import you can set the encoding of the file. See

The last time I checked the encodings in Excel was that Excel only supported the usual IsoLatin for Windows out of the box.

Nice bug you’ve found there Norbert.

This is the code you should be using:

[code]Dim file As FolderItem = New FolderItem(“C:\tmp\BAB.csv”, FolderItem.PathTypeNative)

Dim fileStream As TextOutputStream

If file <> Nil Then

Dim BA As String = “101020”
Dim ArtikelNr As String = “banoio® FZK”

fileStream = TextOutputStream.Create(file)

fileStream.WriteLine(ConvertEncoding(“Babnr;Artikelnr;”, Encodings.UTF16))

Dim txt As String

txt = BA + “;” + ArtikelNr + “;”

fileStream.WriteLine(ConvertEncoding(txt, Encodings.UTF16))


End If[/code]

However, this only works in 2019r1.1 and fails in 2019r3.1, in latest it writes out UTF8 with a two byte ® which is confusing Excel

If you want to get it working in the mean time in 2019r3.1 change to the following line:

Dim ArtikelNr As String = "banoio" + String.ChrByte(&hAE) + " FZK"

and your output should be fine, but bear in mind that when this bug is fixed you’ll need to drop back to the other code above.


Looks like its been known about since March 4th <>

Looks like another workaround is to use BinarySteam instead of TextOutputStream

Or you could add the following after your TextOutputStream.Create to work around the bug:

fileStream.Encoding = Encodings.UTF16

Not sure if that applies to your problem as you are under Windows. But Excel 2019 on the Mac is able to open and import a CSV file with the following properties flawlessly:

  • Field separator depends on OS UI language: For German it is ;, for English ,
  • UTF8 with BOM (this is not supported in older versions like Excel 2011. For this use MacRoman)
  • where necessary, quote field with "
  • Line/Record ending CRLF
  • Line endings within fields / cells LF and of course quoted
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Well question is already marked as answered but in my humble opinion Libre Office CSV import is much more reliable than anything I’ve seen from Excel.