Catalyst: UIKit for macOS.

My guess is that in the next 6~18 months we’re going to be going through yet another transition for the Mac.

I’d like to know if there’s anything I can do to help with this transition, so it can be completed before then and I have the best chance of making my existing apps work for the new Touchless iPad ARM based Mac.

My understanding of Project Catalyst is several components.

  1. x86 compiler for iOS projects.
  2. UIKit frameworks in macOS 10.15.

I’m guessing:

  1. Xojo is already capable of creating an Intel iOS application.
  2. The migration for the iOS target to API 2.0 is going to make the code far more interchangeable than it is today.

Anything else?
I’d imagine that that my custom plugins are a no-go, and 3rd party executables are going to be a problem.

No need for Catalyst as Xojo simply adds ARM support For MacOS platform and builds FAT Binaries with ARM+Intel in one executable. Should be a seamless transition.