Draw ContainerControl to pic


for my project I embed several instances of a container control into a canvas (about 20), which works very well on Mac, but the compiled windows version is very slow when scrolling. Would it be faster (on windows) when the container controls are drawn into a picture/graphics and then used as background to the canvas?
How can I draw the content of a containercontrol to a picture/graphics?


DrawInto is what you’re looking for, but there are some controls that don’t implement this properly (or at all).

[quote=482139:@Marco Weinrich]Hello,

for my project I embed several instances of a container control into a canvas (about 20), which works very well on Mac, but the compiled windows version is very slow when scrolling. Would it be faster (on windows) when the container controls are drawn into a picture/graphics and then used as background to the canvas?
How can I draw the content of a containercontrol to a picture/graphics?


The IDE is a pile of container controls and when you resize etc they should be reasonably performant
If you find things are slow there might be other issues at play