Add text to Listbox


I want add text in Listbox row based from item_code compare between two listboxes.

I put this code in celltextpaint

dim gg as integer for gg=0 to ListPromo.Listcount -1 If me.cell(row,1)=ListPromo.cell(gg,0) then me.cell(row,2)=me.cell(row,2)+"(PR)" end if next
its work, but print the additional text repeatedly.

how to get the result Just Listbox’s row’s text + “(PR)” in every rows which is has the same item_code

any helps ?


change all row, to gg,


still does not work,

I have change the code, but still print the (PR) repeatedly

dim o as Integer for o=0 to Listbox1.Listcount -1 dim gg as integer for gg=0 to ListPromo.Listcount -1 If Listbox1.cell(o,1)=ListPromo.cell(gg,0) then Listbox1.cell(o,2)= Listbox1.cell(o,2)+"(PR)" end if next next

where I should put this code in listbox’s event, the text result also looks ugly.


I assume listbox and listpromo are of the same length?

dim gg as integer for gg=0 to ListPromo.Listcount -1 If me.cell(gg,1)=ListPromo.cell(gg,0) then me.cell(gg,2)=me.cell(gg,2)+"(PR)" end if next

if they are not the same length then:

For gg As Integer = 0 To Listbox1.ListCount - 1 'check all rows For promo As Integer = 0 To ListPromo.ListCount - 1 'check all promos against this row If Listbox1.Cell(gg, 1) = ListPromo.Cell(promo, 0) Then Listbox1.Cell(gg, 2) = Listbox1.Cell(gg, 2) + "(PR)" Exit For 'exit the check down the promo list because we've found the promo for this row End If Next Next

PS. You could use a while for the internal promo loop but this method will be easier to understand :slight_smile:

Where are-you added one or more Rows ?

(and why using the .CellTextPaint Event ?)


I added rows from a textfield based from comparing code between two listboxes and its work.

I am putting in celltextpaint event, just want to give a mark that the rows in a listbox has passed the process.

yes, i will try to put the code in a method, and call afterwards.


Oh I missed that you’re putting this in a paint even, don’t put this in a paint event

assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint, assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint, assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint, assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint, assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint, assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint, assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint, assigning a value to cell will update the cell and cause a paint
repeat… :wink:

I was thinking his ListBox was without Row