Hi About IOS DEV

What is the best stable XOJO version to works with IOS App.
I am using XOJO 2019 v3 and is not good i mede changes and no show on the simulation way and i try XOJO 2019v3.1 and all labels is out of design position way.


What XCode version are you using ?

i have 11.3 but i can go back to old one with old xojo version to get work done.

What version of Xojo were you using prior to 2019r3?

XOJO 2018r3

FWIW right now I’m using Xojo 2019r2.1 against Xcode 11.0 for an iOS project and things are going very smoothly. I’m holding off on updates until v1.0 is in the app store.

i going to download 2019r2.1 and try

I don’t have any issues with Xojo 2019r3.1 and Xcode 11.3 other than a few bugs in the recently introduced dark mode support.

with 2019r3.1 all my labels is out of position and realine and in the emulation is no correct ?

where is the info.plist in xojo or Xcode i need to add some code to fix some problems.


There is no info.plist by default.
If you need to add one, you must create a new plist file in Xcode, then drag it into the Xojo navigator.

i am confuse after compiler my app with xojo show package Contents info.plist can edit that one and save the new keys ?

Yes Xojo creates an info.plist when compiling. But I don’t recommend editing that file directly as you might be forcing some unwanted value.

You could of course copy that file, remove all of its contents and only add the key/value pairs you need.