Tab Panel Height

With Screen sizes getting bigger I sometimes have difficulty scaling the size of an app to look right. Is there any way of changing the size of the Tabs of a Tab Panel? You can change the size of the text but eventually the text outgrows the the Tab

Adjust your settings or use accessibility controls if you can’t see your screen. Do not make the app larger. That affects users.

macOS does not allow you to make the height of the segments any larger.

Download Trixi’s Tabsheets from and make your own graphics.

Hi Beatrix, It won’t run on the latest OS and Xojo. What version do I need?

The only reason I raised Tim was I saw “Small Tabs” switch and I thought it might be resizable :frowning:

@Martin Fitzgibbons : of course, you need to change to 64bit. I have something called “AppleTabs” that has a more modern look than my own code. There is also no need to change graphics:

Looks good, where do I get that from?

I’ll upload it this morning.

Here it is:

There isn’t a readme. But the code is simple and it’s easy to use.

[quote=474770:@Beatrix Willius]Here it is:

There isn’t a readme. But the code is simple and it’s easy to use.[/quote]

Will this work if tried to use this on my webapp? It looks good for “Navigation Tabs”

Desktop only.