PostgreSQL-Error "Relation xxx does not exist"

Hi everybody,

I have a PostgreSQL Problem an I hope you can help me.

I am using the XOJO-Cloud PostgreSQL Server an it works fine.
Its no problem to make SELECTions and add new Data in this way:

db.AddRow("radioplaner.senderpl", row)

But when I try to edit an existing Recordset (RowSet) in this way …

[code]Var rows as RowSet

editID = 2

rows = db.SelectSQL(“SELECT * FROM radioplaner.senderpl WHERE id=” + editID.ToText)

rows.Column(“bundesland”).StringValue = “Saarland”

Catch error As DatabaseException
MsgBox("DB Error: " + error.Message)
End Try[/code]

the following error occurs:

[quote]DB Error: ERROR: relation “senderpl” does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE senderpl SET bundesland = $1 WHERE id = ‘2’[/quote]

I tried to set the schema and table names in “”, but it also doesn’t work.

Do you have any ideas?

Thanks a lot

this is an old Bug in the Xojo PostgreSQLDatabase Plugin. You cannot schema-specify the table name when using RecordSet.Edit / .Update or now RowSet.EditRow / .SaveRow - see <>
Workaround is to set your searchpath in a way you don’t need to specify a schema. This does not work for cross-schema queries with ambiguous table names - but such queries would likely not be updatable using the RecordSet.Edit interface anyhow…

Or use a prepared statement to do the update rather than a select/edit.

or do sqlexecute(“UPDATE senderpl SET bundesland = $1 WHERE id = ‘2’”) should work.
don’t use rs.edit, it does not always work.

A word of caution: in PostgreSQL, Xojo orphans prepared statements even with the new API. The only way to clear them out is to disconnect and reconnect.

bug report # ?


Interestingly, this SQLITE <> is also presenting leaks never seem before, is the entire Xojo DB framework presenting malfunctions after the API2.0 modifications?

The postgreSQL one predates API 2 by a lot and relates specifically to prepard statements we use programmatically

The SQLITE one seems to be the implicit prepared statements that the API 2 version of the DB API uses
If you use the API 1.0 version the leak goes away

So I doubt they are related

Wow, 4 years old. You’re right.

And I see that Kem updated it to next question I intended to ask him, about current status using the new API 2.0 Database.SelectSQL(sql, params)

Both bugs make postgresql a less than ideal target because of xojo leaks

Sadness ensues :frowning:

I’m told this will get some attention soon.

I looked at the bug report 41633 and was a bit surprised you expected the server to deallocate the prepared statement just because your PostgreSQLPreparedStatement instance is gone. I would not expect that, they are supposed to last for as long as your session is alive. Have you tried calling “Deallocate” via SQLExecute? That should work (haven’t tried though). I doubt you’d really have to disconnect to dispose of them.

I don’t know why you’re surprised, I’d expect the Destructor to do that. To use DEALLOCATE directly, I’d need the reference to the prepared statement, and Xojo doesn’t give us that. In API 2, it doesn’t even give us an instance.

…so that’s the perfect use case for the lightweight PQexecParams interface instead of PQprepare / PQexecPrepared, see <>

Ah, hmm, well, given that we can’t get access to the name the statement was created as (they get created as “statement1”,statement2" etc. by the plugin btw.) I guess it sort of makes little sense to keep them around on the server once the prepared statements instance is gone, so I see where you are coming from. But I think the plugin should just tell us the name, and not just deallocate the statement on the server once my local instance is gone. Anyway, I usually keep instances of my prepared statements around in a dictionary (using the sql as key).

[quote=470300:@Tobias Bussmann]this is an old Bug in the Xojo PostgreSQLDatabase Plugin. You cannot schema-specify the table name when using RecordSet.Edit / .Update or now RowSet.EditRow / .SaveRow - see <>
Workaround is to set your searchpath in a way you don’t need to specify a schema. This does not work for cross-schema queries with ambiguous table names - but such queries would likely not be updatable using the RecordSet.Edit interface anyhow…[/quote]

Thanks al lot for your answers. I never would have guessed it was a software bug of the PG Plugin :slight_smile:

I moved all tables to the public schema and it works fine.

The name is not the problem, you can figure it out with the help of pg_prepared_statements but the issue is what to do with it then. AFAIK you have no way to bind parameters for a second execution through the Xojo interface. All you can do is pass them inline which defeats the one of the purposes of PreparedStatements or deallocate it.

Some code to play around with:

Dim db As New PostgreSQLDatabase db.Connect Dim rs As rowset Dim sql As String = "SELECT $1 * 2;" rs = db.SelectSQL(sql, 1) System.DebugLog "2*1=" + rs.ColumnAt(0).StringValue Dim stmt_name As String rs = db.SelectSQL("SELECT * FROM pg_prepared_statements WHERE statement = $1;", sql) stmt_name = rs.Column("name").StringValue rs = db.SelectSQL("EXECUTE """ + stmt_name + """( 2 );") System.DebugLog "2*2=" + rs.ColumnAt(0).StringValue db.ExecuteSQL("DEALLOCATE """ + stmt_name + """;")

That is best practice, IMOH.

Call Deallocate in the destructor ;-). We need the name for that.

But you’re right, we can’t reuse them, which forces us to keep them around. Well, no biggie.

Sure, no biggie. I just tried to argue against that statement:

When reading

it sounds like we are on the same boat again :wink: