LibUSBDeviceMBS.OpenDevice issues


Not sure what I’m missing but I can’t seem to get LibUSBDeviceMBS.OpenDevice to work. It just returns a nil object with no errors.

I’m just trying to do a proof of concept currently. Are there any code examples for this? The included example is pretty sparse.

Here rough code that doesn’t work.
usbDev has my usb device listed with details etc, but I just can’t get it to open.

Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.UserHome.child("somebinerydata") Var b As BinaryStream b = b.Open(f) Var mb As New MemoryBlock(val(b.Read(b.Length))) var outlen as integer var t as Ptr = mb var dd as LibUSBDeviceDescriptorMBS =usbDev.GetDeviceDescriptor usbDev = usbDev.OpenDevice(dd.VendorID,dd.ProductID) '0x0638/0x0707 'dim var1 as auto = usbDev.OpenDevice(0638,0707) usbdev.BulkTransfer(2, t,b.Length ,outlen,1000) break

So OpenDevice does return nil here?

Did you try running the app with sudo as admin?
(just in case of permissions)

Could you call SetDebug with level 4 (maximum) and watch for console messages?