XOJO IDE 2019r2 Catalina

I am quite newbie and cannot understand heavy topics dealing with APIs Implementations and so on. But can you tell me please :
If i install Catalina on my Mac, will XOJO IDE 2019r2 run correctly ?

it will

Yes. No exception here.

Great ! Thanks

For iOS development I have a new Catalina machine, Xojo 2019r2, and Xcode 11.2. I believe this is all the latest and greatest of most everything. But for the life of me I can’t get the Run or simulator device combo to populate. iPhone simulator appears to work in Apple’s native swift development; but what am I missing to get Xojo to work?

Could this be related to code signing? It’s also got an empty combo box for “Team” = None. For building desktop apps, I do have certs recognized for packaging using third party tools like DMG canvas and AppWrapper 3.

At this point I’m at a total loss; even the “build” option is greyed out.

I remember a while ago iOS development could only be done on earlier versions of Xcode. Eg 8.3 while 9 or 10 was out. You could download older versions of xcode and setup the the command line version in Xcode preferences to reenable xojos build and run buttons. The xojo ide really should enable the button and tell you the problem as why it is not going to work, it obviously knows because it has disabled the button.

So I think you need an older version of Xcode to compile against. Try 10.x

Here it says to support Xcode 9.x, 10.x and 11.x ( http://documentation.xojo.com/resources/system_requirements_for_current_version.html ) targeting iOS 10 to 13.

I find that every time I close (saving) a project and re-opening it, all bevel buttons loose icon alignment, returning to SystemDirection.

This happens only after upgrading to Catalina, same project.

Also check your licenses, with a new machine you might need to go online and deactivate an old one. If you have used all your activations xojo will say licenses updated but do nothing.

Hmm. Licenses checked. Feedback case 56151 says release Xojo 2019r2 “implemented & verified”, “IDE now supports enumerating iOS devices from Xcode 11”. Not sure what else to do but request the case be re-opened.

Email support resolved this. Resetting Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Command Line Tools to the current version resolved this issue. Everything appears to be working well :slight_smile: