What's the best way to synchronize local database with server database?

I have an application that uses the local SQLite database. I would like to synchronize the data with MySQL database server, because the app is present on other desktops and other mobile devices.

I could have chosen to read the data directly from the remote database but in this way the app not work without an internet connection.

I was wondering how to do it. I thought of this:

  • On the server I create a replica of the local database.
  • When I add, modify, or delete the data locally I update the remote server.
  • When I start the app locally I check on the database server if there are changes or new records.
  • In the local database and on the server database I add a field that shows the modification date for each record. This will help me identify the changed records.
  • In the server database I add a field that identifies if the record is to be deleted by local app. This will help me to delete any records deleted from other devices.
  • If there are records on the server database and not on the local database, I add them to the local database.

More or less is the right way?
What are the best methods to have a correct synchronization?


I wish you good luck with this.

Synching multiple databases is difficultā€¦

  • was a record added? who added it? Master or Transaction?
  • was a record deleted?
  • was a record changed? if both Master and Transaction changed itā€¦ which changes to keep?

I add a UUID to each record, which helps with bullet #1
never delete a record until after synch (just mark that is should be deleted) this helps with #2
Timestamps might help with #3 assuming all the computers use a common timezone such as GMT

What about setting up a local MySQL/MariaDB and let the server do the job?


  • soā€¦ you have several offline desktop and mobile clients and you need to synchronize them all?

give us a little more context pleaseā€¦ so we can help you better

Daveā€™s rules are a good start.

The tricky part is figuring out ALL the rules. If two clients change a record and then sync, who wins? What happens to the record that ā€˜losesā€™? What happens if a record is marked as deleted, but a client doesnā€™t know that and edits it? Database synchronization is not easy because youā€™ll have to be really rigid on the rules and then figure out how to reconcile the sync when a rule is broken. Is the user notified? Does it get logged? Do you care? Etc, Etc.

Another question to ask yourself is do you want the sync to happen ā€˜over the airā€™ or do you send the local SQLite database to the server and then get the copy back with everything syncā€™d? The first option might be very time consuming since youā€™re doing queries. The second option might take a while with large databases. Both options have drawbacks.

My experience with scenarios as described (mobile, desktops, servers) it might work with 1 to 5 people but not with a lot of people or if you start to scale this. Sooner or later you will run in to Byzantine fault.

What aboutā€¦ ehmā€¦ Blockchain? (Please donā€™t beat me for this)

as recommendation: you should serialize your data in that way, that important values (like prices or stock numbers) are not stored as static values in DB fields but calculated each time on basis of a journal or transaction log.

Is it essential that customers/devices can operate offline?
wouldnā€™t it be easier if customers could perform operations online, but not if they are offline?
rememberā€¦ with more context information we can help you better

my suggestionā€¦ donā€™t do it that way. if you synchronize local and server, you have A LOT of work to do and no one guarantees that there will NEVER be errors. maybe your effort will better used if you think how to connect all devices to JUST ONE database (xojo cloud?)

What I did in the past was the following.

I have a local SQLite database that has basically the same structure as a remote database, a MySQL database. But the remote datasource can be a WebApp that manages a SQLite database on that server.

Every table in the database have a set of 3 columns: UUID, CREATED, MODIFIED. The Created and Modified fields are set automatically via Triggers. So, I donā€™t have to deal with those. The UUID is generated when a record is created.

I added a table where I store the changes, called the ā€œChangeLogā€. Every table has Triggers that add a record to this ChangeLog. When I insert/update/delete a record I add a record to this ChangeLog, with a UTC timestamp, Record UUID, Action (insert/update/delete)

To sync I just check the last record in the ChangeLog on one database and use it to get all the changes in the other. And copy / delete / etc according to the records in the ChangeLog.

This approach worked very well for me. Most of the trigger creation and sync operations happen behind the scenes, since I made my own little database framework (or SQLite-wrapper). So, to actually work with is a piece of cake.

I think you forget about using an app in offline mode. There are many cases where using an iOS app must be possible from everywhere.

That will not work when devices work offline.

I work as a freelance cameraman. I receive something called a callsheet, that tells me where I have to work, the equipment needed, the people I work with, contact info for location, etc. I add this info to an online database. I add weather and traffic info.
An iOS app helps me to see the right info when Iā€™m on the road. But sometimes reception is terrible. Thatā€™s why I have something like a local cache of the data I view.
When I add or change data while being working somewhere, the changes are made in the local cache and synced with the server when connected with the internet.

Works find with me.

I have a future project in mind that will need this same functionality. There is one problem I donā€™t have worked out yet in my mind.

When I print out proposals there is an incrementing proposal number that is printed. This makes it possible to look up the proposal when the customer calls back. The way I handled that in the past was to prefix a machine ID so the proposal would look like E116. I was trying to come up with a better system. One thought I had was for each machine to reserve a ā€˜blockā€™ of ID numbers when online. Then those IDā€™s could be used up knowing they are already ā€˜reservedā€™, and wonā€™t be used by anyone else.

Any other ideas?

That is exactly what I did. I generated a UUID and added the machineā€™s CPU serial number.
Another way I thought that would work is maintaining a separate table in the master database that holds all the UUIDā€™s. When generating it would check if a UUID already exists. If not, a new UUID can be passed to the new record.
The problem remained that when a record was created while the device was offline, this table in the master database canā€™t be accessed.
Therefore, a prefix is a good solution to avoid UUID collisions.

A prefix can also be a shorter series of characters, based on the name of the machine, that is registered and thus unique to the system.

copy the SQLite file over to the server and process it thereā€¦
Listen to dave!

That is NOT an option here. Copying a multi-megabyte SQLite file over 3G or 4G network just to sync a few rows and download the whole thing againā€¦ that is so counter-productive.

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Deal with only that data that changedā€¦ not the WHOLE databaseā€¦

[quote=463053:@Brian Oā€™Brien]copy the SQLite file over to the server and process it thereā€¦
Listen to dave![/quote]
Like Jeremie said, sending the entire file can consume a lot of data.

It should be doable to make a subset of only the changed records in a separate sqlite file. and send that one over.

The server can attach the new file to the master file and update the master records from there. And detach the updated db-file when done.
It actually sounds like that might work and it might actually be a bit faster to just run some SQL to copy the changed data within one sqlite db object.

The other benefit of sending a sqlite file is that the subset-file can be encrypted. Especially when the file is transferred over a non-secured network this approach would be a nice one.