Error while running raspberry pi example app remotely

so I was wanting to run an example app on my raspberry pi, so I ran it remotely my pi.
However, the remote debugger on the pi gives this error in the window:

05:55:25 PM: Connection established
05:55:25 PM: Stub<-IDE HELLO, 19.1.1a0, Protocol: 6, Local IP:
05:55:25 PM: Using protocol version 6
05:55:25 PM: IDE Version supported
05:55:25 PM: Stub->IDE OLLEH, 1.9.038, 6, Remote Address:
05:55:25 PM: Stub->IDE PLATFORM-RESPONSE, Linux, ARM, ELF, Linux 4.14.98-v7+ Raspbian GNU/Linux 9
05:55:29 PM: Stub<-IDE CREATEFILE, DebugMyApplication.tar.gz, Relative path: True,
05:55:29 PM: Stub->IDE CHALLENGE, 123EBF
05:55:29 PM: Waiting for RESPONSE
05:55:29 PM: Connection closed
05:55:29 PM: Connection closed
05:55:29 PM: Got a RESPONSE packet, about to decrypt
05:55:29 PM: Response caused an exception, terminating now
05:55:29 PM: Challenge/Response failed
05:55:29 PM: Stub->IDE SOS, Could not create file or folder:

and it doesn’t work.I have also made sure the download directory is writable. I am new to xojo and somewhat new to raspberry pi’s, so if anyone has some insight it would be appreciated.

Hi Nathan,

I may be wildly off base, but did you install the correct libraries on the RPi?

sudo apt-get install libunwind8

This is always the first thing I forget to do when I get started on a new project, so I just had to ask :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting back to me. I did install that library and it still returns the same error. Any other suggestions.