How to set padding in text field

i want to set padding from left side in text box.

i am not getting the way to do it, Can any one tell me how to do this ?

padding ?
A margin inside a TextEdit Control ?
If so, not built in AFAIK.

Using rtf allows you to do that, but you have to open/save as rtf (not tested).

I tested an rtf text created with margin in an application and Copy / Paste it in a TextArea.

More Edits:
I checked in more deep (inside TextArea1.StyledText.RTFData), and Xojo do not store the RTF code for the margins (after to color tbl block and before the text start (this code for example: \\paperw11900\\paperh16840\\margl1440\\margr1440\\vieww15840\\viewh19200\\viewkind1).

[quote=447908:@Emile Schwarz]padding ?
A margin inside a TextEdit Control ?
If so, not built in AFAIK.

Using rtf allows you to do that, but you have to open/save as rtf (not tested).

I tested an rtf text created with margin in an application and Copy / Paste it in a TextArea.

More Edits:
I checked in more deep (inside TextArea1.StyledText.RTFData), and Xojo do not store the RTF code for the margins (after to color tbl block and before the text start (this code for example: \\paperw11900\\paperh16840\\margl1440\\margr1440\\vieww15840\\viewh19200\\viewkind1).[/quote]
This doesn’t apply to iOS.

[quote=447884:@chetana nikam]i want to set padding from left side in text box.

i am not getting the way to do it, Can any one tell me how to do this ?[/quote]
You need to set the textAlignment property with a declare. It might be in iOSDesignExtensions, or you’ll need to write it yourself.

Sorry, I do not saw this question was for iOS.

That is for LEFT/RIGHT or CENTER… it does not control the TextField MARGIN/Padding

I do not know how to do it in “Xojo for iOS”, but here is how to do it in SWIFT, and perhaps some can translate

let paddingView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x:0,y: 0, width:15,height: self.myTextField.frame.height))
myTextField.leftView = paddingView
myTextField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always

same thing can be done for the RIGHT as well

iOSDesignExtensions has TextField.SetTextIndentXC function for this