Dark Mode ListBox is Black, Not Grey

Is it intentional that the listbox is pure black rather than matching the background of the window?

Must I override all CellBackgroundPaint to get it to match the window color?

Try in CellBackgroundPaint:

g.ClearRect(0, 0, g.Width, g.Height)

Yup. That’ll do it! :slight_smile:

[quote=444725:@Stephen Dodd]Is it intentional that the listbox is pure black rather than matching the background of the window?
In light mode is your listbox the same white than the background of the window? I guess if they match in light mode they should match in dark mode.

In light mode, the listbox is snow-white by default, but with this hint added, it looks better.

You’ll find the applying clearRect to the paint event of contain controls and canvases will also help!