Get Folderitem from NSAppleScriptMBS

I have a rather simple AppleScript which works fine

with timeout of 10000 seconds set AccountDirectories to {} tell application id "" set theAccounts to (get name of accounts whose enabled is true) repeat with currentAccount in theAccounts set the end of AccountDirectories to {account directory of account currentAccount as string} end repeat return AccountDirectories end tell end timeout

This gives me the directories of accounts in Mail like

Before my favourite macOS Catalina I can get a Xojo folderitem out this with

currentAccountDirectory = GetFolderItem(AccountDirectory, FolderItem.PathTypeAbsolute)

In Catalina this is nil even with full harddisk access. If I omit “as string” I get a list of files as result. But how do I make folderitems out of these? Here is my code to get a result out of the script:

[code]dim theResult as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS = theScript.execute(theError)

if theResult <> nil then
dim ResultString as string = theResult.stringValue
if ResultString <> “” then ScriptResult = ResultString

'result is array
dim count as integer = theResult.numberOfItems
for i as integer = 1 to count
dim keyword as string = theResult.keywordForDescriptorAtIndex(i)
dim item as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS = theResult.descriptorAtIndex(i)

if item <> nil then
  dim value as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS = item.descriptorForKeyword("seld")
  if value <> nil then
    ScriptResultArray.Append value.stringValue
  ElseIf item.fileURLValue <> "" then
  elseif item.stringValue <> "" then
    ScriptResultArray.Append item.stringValue
  end if
end if

if UBound(ScriptResultArray) = 0 then ScriptResult = ScriptResultArray(0)

end if[/code]

I can get the fileURLValue of the item. But the value is also available if there is no file. If I get the accounts, then the fileURLValue is “file://iCloud”. How do I get the “real” files?

I’ve found another solution to my main problem with accessing the files in the Mail folder. I get a shellpath to the Mail folder in the user library. Then I get a folderitem child with the name of the account directory.

Nevertheless, I’d be interested to get a folderitem out of an AppleScript directly.