MS SQL Server and ODBC

OS: Windows 10
Database: SQL Server Express 2012
Type of connection: ODBC
Xojo Version: 2018r4

My project starts with a login window, where users type user name and password.
If user name and password are correct, then the main window is displayed, otherwise this error message is displayed (automatically, not by my project), and then this box is displayed (not displayed by my project).

The connection string is this

[code]DB = New ODBCDatabase

Dim SqlStr As String =“Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=” + DB_Host + “;Database=” + DB_Name + _
SqlStr = SqlStr “;UID=” + DB_User + “;Pwd=” + DB_Password + “;MARS_Connection=yes;Persist Security Info=False;”

DB.DataSource = SqlStr

If username and/or password is wrong, I’d like to display my MsgBox, not others.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks to everybody.


It’s your choice, keep the good work. :wink:

OS: Windows 10
Database: SQL Server Express 2012
Type of connection: ODBC
Xojo Version: 2018r4

My project starts with a login window, where users type user name and password.
If user name and password are correct, then the main window is displayed, otherwise this error message is displayed
Box 1
(automatically, not by my project), and then this box is displayed Box 2 (not displayed by my project).
The connection string is this

DB = New ODBCDatabase 

Dim SqlStr As String ="Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=" + DB_Host + ";Database=" + DB_Name + _
SqlStr = SqlStr  ";UID=" + DB_User + ";Pwd=" + DB_Password + ";MARS_Connection=yes;Persist Security Info=False;"

DB.DataSource = SqlStr

If username and/or password is wrong, I’d like to display my MsgBox, not others.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks to everybody.


No ideas?

Have you tried adding


To your connection string?

Yes, Greg, in my first connection string I added this, but it didn’t work…

I found this during a search. It’s some old VB code from 2006. Maybe it helps.

Private Sub Main() On Error GoTo ErrHandler 'your code here ErrHandler: If Err.Number = -2147217843 then MsgBox "Authentication Failed", vbCritical, "Error Encountered." Else 'a different error occurred Msgbox "An error occurred. The error number is: " & Err.Number & _ " and the error description is: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, _ "Error Encountered." End If End Sub

Thank you, Tanner Lee, but unfortunately it doesn’t work.
In fact the ODBC login prompt is displayed immediately after the DB.Connect, and before every other program line of code, so it is impossible to avoid it programmatically.
However I found this: if I put a breakpoint on the DB.Connect instruction and then I click on the “Step” button, everything works fine; but if I click on Resume button (or if I have no breakpoints) then the login prompt is displayed.

Are you getting any error codes that you can read after attempting a failed login? (I’d like to display a custom error dialog as well on login failure).

Hi Tanner Lee!

No, I don’t get any error code (in this case it would be quite simple to solve the problem).
This is the code

ConnectionSuccessful = DB.Connect

If ConnectionSuccessful Then

  // leggo i parametri SMTP
  stringa = strIn.ReadLine
  s = Split(stringa, ";")
  gSMTPServer = s(0)
  gSMTPPort = s(1)
  gSMTPUser = s(2)
  gSMTPPwd = s(3)

  'MsgBox "Utente o password errati. Riprovare."
  MsgBox DB.ErrorMessage
End If 

When the program executes the statement “ConnectionSuccessful = DB.Connect” (after typing a wrong user and/or password) two boxes are displayed:
First box
and then the ODBC login box is displayed
Second box
And then, finally, my MsgBox is displayed.

As you can see, there is nothing I can do in my code to avoid this: I hope there is a way or in the Connection string, or in some other way…

No suggestions?

I can’t replicate the issue here. I’m using SQL Server 2005 and have tried with: MBS (Mac/Win), Actual ODBC Driver (Mac), SQL Server ODBC (Win). All of them provide a trappable db.error when using an incorrect password.

FWIW, here’s my Xojo ODBC connection string:

#If TargetWin32 ConnString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" + TestDB.Host + ";Database=eval;UID=" + TestDB.UserName + ";Pwd=" + TestDB.Password TestDB.DataSource = ConnString #EndIf #If TargetMacOS ConnString = "Driver={Actual SQL Server};Server=" + TestDB.Host + ";Database=eval;UID=" + TestDB.UserName + ";Pwd=" + TestDB.Password TestDB.DataSource = ConnString #endif

I’ll also say that I moved to using MBS exclusively years ago because of the many issues in Xojo’s MSSQL (and ODBC when used with MSSQL) drivers.

Thank you, Tanner Lee….but unfortunately nothing has changed.
This is my code:

DB = New ODBCDatabase

Dim SqlStr As String =“Driver={SQL Server};Server=” + DB_Host + “;Database=” + DB_Name + _
“;UID=” + DB_User + “;Pwd=” + DB_Password + “;MARS_Connection=yes;”
DB.DataSource = SqlStr
’ --------------------------------------
DB.Host = DB_Host
DB.DatabaseName = DB_Name
DB.UserName = DB_User
DB.Password = DB_Password

ConnectionSuccessful = DB.Connect

If DB.Error = False Then

MsgBox DB.ErrorMessage
End If [/code]

If I put a breakpoint in “ConnectionSuccessful = DB.Connect” and then I click on the “Step” button everything goes right: the If statement is executed, and then the MsgBox is displayed.
But if I click on the Resume button then the ODBC boxes are displayed, as shown in my previous posts.

I’m getting out of my head!!!

By chance do you have an ODBC DSN configured on the client PC? If so, try renaming it to something else. I ask because I’m curious about where that error dialog box is coming from. Xojo creates DSN-less connections, and in my experience it either connects or fails without any prompting. However, if you are calling the DSN, then it would be normal for Microsoft to display those ODBC error dialogs.

Be sure to check both the 32 and 64 bit versions of the ODBC Data Sources.

No, Tanner Lee, I don’t use any DSN, but I connect to the database directly through the Connection String.

So there is no solution to this problem?

I’ve got nothing. As I mentioned above, I can’t replicate the issue.

FWIW, the error code is 18456, but the only middleware that gave me the correct code was the Actual ODBC driver on Mac. MBS, Xojo, and even SQLServer ODBC all gave different codes. Ugh.

The only solution I know is not to use ODBC connection, but using the Xojo plugin: in this case everything works fine.
Thanks to everybody!