Trying To Get GPS Lat/Long From Previously Posted Project


I am trying to replicate a project posted by Will Shank back in January 2014.

link text

I am using Xojo 2019 R1. This is what I have done as per Will’s Code:

  1. Added TextField and called it addressFld

  2. Added TextField and called it latLonResultsFld

  3. Added a Button and called it downloadLatLonButton

  4. Added a URL connection. I can’t find the HTTPSocket. ( I have no idea where that is.) Called it latLonSocket

  5. On the button I added this code:

[code]Dim head, query, tail As String //build url
head = “
query = addressFld.Text.Trim.ReplaceAll(" ", “+”)
tail = “&sensor=false”

latLonSocket.Get(head + query + tail) //request data[/code]

  1. On the latLonSocket ContentReceived event (There is no PageReceived event) I added this code.

[code]Dim doc As New XmlDocument(content) //parse to tree

Dim lat, lon As String
lat = xqlFirstInnerText(doc, “//geometry/location/lat”) //extract values
lon = xqlFirstInnerText(doc, “//geometry/location/lng”)

latLonResultsFld.Text = "latitude: " + lat + ", longitude: " + lon //show
7) I created a Method and called it xqlFirstInnerText

Function xqlFirstInnerText(doc As XmlDocument, query As String) As String dim nl As XmlNodeList = doc.Xql(query) if nl.Length = 0 then return "" dim n As XmlNode = nl.Item(0).FirstChild if n = nil or not n IsA XmlTextNode then return "" return n.Value End Function

When I run it I get the error:

Window1.downloadLatLonButton.Action, line 6
Type “URLConnection” has no member named “Get”
latLonSocket.Get(head + query + tail) //request data

I’m not sure hat I am doing wrong here. The project is attached here.

link text

If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.

I think it has to be HTTPS not HTTP

and don’t you need a code from GOOGLE to use that API???

Hi Dave,

Changed the http to https and no difference.

Will did not state anything about a Key or Code in his post, so I’m not sure.

google went from free to paid api for this maps API. it was last year IIRC.
so yes you need an API key today with google maps.
I changed my method to use openstreetmaps free api right away.
it was quite easy.

I was just trying to find out if there was a way to get the Lat/Lon for a location inside a Xojo Desktop app by typing in the address. I wanted this to be in my app, but I guess it is a little more complicated than I thought.

here is your lucky day …

Public Sub UpdateMap(anAddress as String, zoomLevel as Integer)
  Dim oRequest As New HTTPSecureSocket
  oRequest.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Xojo App")
  Dim SearchRequest As String = ReplaceAll( anAddress, " ", "+")
  Dim sResult As String = oRequest.Get(""+SearchRequest+"&format=json&polygon=1&addressdetails=1", 10)
  Dim oJSONResult As JSONItem
  If (sResult <> "") Then
      oJSONResult = New JSONItem(sResult)
    Catch err As JSONException
      'could not parse
    End Try
  End If
  If (oJSONResult = Nil) Then Return
  'do something with oJSONResult
  Dim lat As Variant = oJSONResult.LookupFull( "lat","0")
  Dim lon As Variant = oJSONResult.LookupFull( "lon","0")
  centerLatitude = lat.DoubleValue
  centerLongitude = lon.DoubleValue
  UpdateMap( centerLatitude, centerLongitude, zoomLevel)
End Sub

Hi Jean,

Thank you for spending the time to try to help me.
I am kind of confused as to what to do with this.

I created a Method Called UpdateMap with the parameters “anAddress as String, zoomLevel as Integer”

I’m not what I should do from here. Do I create two TextFields called centerLogitude and the other centerLatitude? How do I get the Address string in?

Do I make a TetxFiled called txtAddress and then write:


If I just run the code as is, I get the errors:

Window1.UpdateMap, line 20
Type “JSONItem” has no member named “LookupFull”
Dim lat As Variant = oJSONResult.LookupFull( “lat”,“0”)

Window1.UpdateMap, line 21
Type “JSONItem” has no member named “LookupFull”
Dim lon As Variant = oJSONResult.LookupFull( “lon”,“0”)

Window1.UpdateMap, line 23
This method cannot accept an assigned value (it lacks an Assigns parameter).
centerLatitude = lat.DoubleValue

Window1.UpdateMap, line 24
This method cannot accept an assigned value (it lacks an Assigns parameter).
centerLongitude = lon.DoubleValue

Window1.UpdateMap, line 26
Too many arguments: got 3, expected only 2.
UpdateMap( centerLatitude, centerLongitude, zoomLevel)

I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to do with this.

sorry you need also this method :

Public Function LookupFull(extends aJSON as JSONItem, aName as String, aDefault as Variant) as Variant
  If Not aJSON.IsArray Then Return aJSON.Lookup( aName, aDefault)
  For i As Integer = 0 To aJSON.Count-1
    Dim v As Variant = aJSON.Child( i).Lookup( aName, aDefault)
    If v<>aDefault Then
      Return v
    End If
  Return aDefault
End Function

and forget the last line “updatemap” it is to update the htmlviewer where the map is displayed.
you enter the address above, and you get the centerlatitude and centerlongitude for that address at the bottom
adapt to your method and parameters.

Hi Jean,

I added the method. I still get all these errors and a few new ones

Window1.UpdateMap, line 20
Type “JSONItem” has no member named “LookupFull”
Dim lat As Variant = oJSONResult.LookupFull( “lat”,“0”)

Window1.UpdateMap, line 21
Type “JSONItem” has no member named “LookupFull”
Dim lon As Variant = oJSONResult.LookupFull( “lon”,“0”)

Window1.UpdateMap, line 23
This method cannot accept an assigned value (it lacks an Assigns parameter).
centerLatitude = lat.DoubleValue

Window1.UpdateMap, line 24
This method cannot accept an assigned value (it lacks an Assigns parameter).
centerLongitude = lon.DoubleValue

Window1.UpdateMap, line 26
Too many arguments: got 3, expected only 2.
UpdateMap( centerLatitude, centerLongitude, zoomLevel)

Window1.LookupFull, line 10
You cannot return a value because this method has not defined a return type

Window1.LookupFull Declaration
The extends modifier cannot be used on a class method
Sub LookupFull(extends aJSON as JSONItem, aName as String, aDefault as Variant)

I just don’t see how this all works or what control are suppose to be on the screen or where you enter the address, and where you get the results.

@James Redway : This is what i did understand from @Jean-Yves Pochez :
link text

In the textfield below the HTMLviewer insert the address you want in this form: City[space]Streetname[space]number and push then the button. In the labels you get the values you want.


[quote]Window1.LookupFull Declaration
The extends modifier cannot be used on a class method
you must locate the LookupFull method inside a module, and scope public.
the extends methods cannot be located inside a class ( or a window)

Thank you, Andre and Jean, for taking the time to help me! After posting my last message yesterday, I met with my son and he messed around with Jean’s code for a while and showed me what I was doing wrong.

I posted that version here.
link text

This morning I logged in to the forum and saw Andre’s project. I downloaded it and it’s very similar to what my son came up with. Thank you for doing that Andre. I wish I saw that yesterday.

I very much appreciate the help from both of you. The GPS lookup is being used for a fire fighting application that requires the location of a fire station so it can obtain weather information from the Dark Sky Weather API which is replacing the Weather Underground API that no longer works in our application.

Thank you all once again.