initializing MySQL database

MySQL has been setup under my cloud account. How do I initialize the database/tables/etc?

People have written entire book chapters answering that. It’s really beyond the scope of a forum response. What level of experience do you have with MySQL and/or relational databases in general?

Where are you having a problem; connecting, designing, creating…?

Here are a links to a couple of tutorial sites that may help: What is MySQL | Introduction to MySQL | Database Management System | Edureka and There are plenty more on Google.

As for tools you’ll need a decent SQL editor. MySQL Workbench is excellent and free. As is Valentina Studio Pro. Again, google around for plenty more.

My apologies. After reading my question, it was pretty lame. I was thinking Xojo Cloud would have a built-in db manager like my web site hosting company instead of connecting via a desktop app.

I am familiar with manipulating databases. It appears I need to know exactly what information is required to make the connection. I have entered the following info into DbVisualizer:

– Database Type = MySQL
– Driver (JDBC) = MySQL
– Database Server = ip address of my cloud server
– Database Port = 3306
– Userid/Password = what was provided when enabled

When I try to connect, nothing happens and it ultimately times out with the following error:

Communications link failure

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.

Type: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException
SQL State: 08S01

Please advise what I need to do to resolve this issue. Thank you.

Here’s a link to Greg O’lone’s blog entry Xojo Cloud Databases: Add, Connect & Manage . It’s from 2015 but probably still relevant now.

Hope it helps. I don’t use Xojo Cloud, so others will have better advice/experience. Maybe try posting in the Xojo Cloud sub-forum?

Thanks Tanner! That blog did the trick.