HEIC Images

I need to read a JPEG file and output a HEIC image. How can this be done? I have MBS plugins, and can’t figure it out. Please help!

OS ?

Mojave and probably latest Windows 10 (+ Android and iPhone) needed…


Are you processing the image, or simply translating the format?

Converting format only

You can use CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource to translate images.

I use the following function to translate image formats, it’s written against my big ass library, but most of the functions should exist in the MBS.

  • You need to change outFile.UTI to "public.heic"
  • Dim token as OWSecurityScopedBodgemarks.SSBToken = inSourceFile.startAccessingSecurityScopedFolderItem( currentMethodName ) just makes sure that I have Sandbox access during the translation.
  • CGImageSourceLargestImage( cgis ) loops through the CGImageSource meta data looking for the largest image.
  • This doesn’t allow you to set compression parameters, that can be done by manually editing the metadata NSDictionary.

[code]Function translateImageFile(inSourceFile as folderitem, outFile as folderItem, byref errorMessage as string) as boolean
// — Image file translation, October 2018 Sam Rowlands.
Dim token as OWSecurityScopedBodgemarks.SSBToken = inSourceFile.startAccessingSecurityScopedFolderItem( currentMethodName )
Dim rValue as boolean

Dim cgis as integer = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( inSourceFile.NSURL, 0 )
if cgis = 0 then
errorMessage = “Failed to open the image file “”” + inSourceFile.displayName + “”" (nilCGIS)."
return false
end if

Dim index as integer = CGImageSourceLargestImage( cgis )
if index = -1 then
errorMessage = “Failed to open the image file “”” + inSourceFile.displayName + “”" (nilIDX)."
CGImageSourceRelease cgis
return false
end if

Dim metaData as integer = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex( cgis, index, 0 )

Dim cgid as integer = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL( outFile.NSURL, outFile.UTI, 1, 0 )
if cgid = 0 then
errorMessage = “Failed to create the image file “”” + outFile.displayName + “”" (nilCGID)."

CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource( CGID, CGIS, index, metaData )

rvalue = CGImageDestinationFinalize( cgid )
if rvalue = false then errorMessage = "Failed to create the image file """ + outFile.displayName + """ (CGIDFinalize:NO)."

end if

NSObjectRelease metaData
CGImageDestinationRelease cgid
CGImageSourceRelease cgis

return rvalue
End Function[/code]

Got it working

[code]Public Function translateImageFile(inSourceFile as folderitem, outFile as folderItem, byref errorMessage as string) as Boolean
// — Image file translation, October 2018 Sam Rowlands.
Call CFBookmarkMBS.StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource(New CFURLMBS(inSourceFile))

Dim xImageSource As New CGImageSourceMBS(inSourceFile)

If xImageSource = Nil Then
errorMessage = “Failed to open the image file “”” + inSourceFile.displayName + “”" (nilCGIS)."
Return False
End If

Dim index As Integer = CGImageSourceLargestImage( xImageSource )
If index = -1 Then
errorMessage = “Failed to open the image file “”” + inSourceFile.displayName + “”" (nilIDX)."
Return False
End If

Dim metaData As dictionary = xImageSource.PropertiesAtIndex(index)

Dim xDestination As CGImageDestinationMBS = CGImageDestinationMBS.CreateWithFile( outFile, “public.heic”, 1)
If xDestination = Nil Then
errorMessage = “Failed to create the image file “”” + outFile.displayName + “”" (nilCGID)."
Return False
If Not xDestination.Finalize Then
errorMessage = “Failed to create the image file “”” + outFile.displayName + “”" (CGIDFinalize:NO)."
Return False
End If
End If

Return True
End Function