HTMLViewer on Windows can't host Xojo Web App?

Just tried to load my own web app in a desktop web app.

Doesn’t work. Seems like even with IE 9 installed the htmlviewer runs IE7 which seems to low for web app?

Any idea what’s going wrong?

Okay, with some registry entries, you can switch your app to use IE 9.x or 10.x by default for websites:

But I will fill feedback case 29920 with details.

HTMLViewers on win32 default to a lower IE rendering mode. In typical Microsoft Fashion, there’s no easy way to control this behavior. You can try these techniques:

None of them are sensible or easy to use in all cases…

HTMLViewers on win32 default to a lower IE rendering mode. In typical Microsoft Fashion, there’s no easy way to control this behavior. You can try these techniques:

None of them are sensible or easy to use in all cases…

[edit: fixed links]

Mmm when testing this I got on Win7 with IE10 a strange Chrome Frame Ad which I cannot close nor prevent coz scrollbars are starting somewhere below top border of my HTMLview…

This happens only when trying to open a Xojo Web App… other Websites runs without problems and without this ad!!!
May be it is related to your issue? And I assume that it depends on Xojo’s web Framework…

Using the WebKit renderer with HTMLViewer on Windows might be a better solution.

Paul, I fully agree with older IE 6,7,8 or 9 but wouldn’t it be better to make an additional switch to enable or disable this?
And why this Pop Up is coming up when I am using the latest IE on Win7? Yes this might be the registration Hacks and how Windows s using different Engines in different Security Zones.

But I don’t want Google Ad’s in “my” Web Apps and there are certain circumstances where this would be a real Show-Stopper when using Xojo Web Apps in Government or Security Context.

Using the Webkit Renderer has several other disadvantages on Windows. No Cookies are saved for instance…

@Tomas Jakobs - For what it’s worth, we’re removing ChromeFrame from our framework soon anyway as Google is discontinuing support and updates in January.

It’s not an ad per-se. It’s more of a “your browser is too old, but if you must keep it, here’s the way to do that.”

[quote=37438:@Christian Schmitz]Okay, with some registry entries, you can switch your app to use IE 9.x or 10.x by default for websites:

But I will fill feedback case 29920 with details.[/quote]

Windows 10 has changed the keys mentioned in the article. See