TouchId & FaceId for iOS Xojo ?

Hello guys,

Is. there a way to use Touch ID and Face ID in the apps done with XOJO for authentication ? If Yes, where I can find any code related to that ?


Might be easy… might be impossible… since it seems to use a number of features of iOS that I do not believe Xojo directly exposes

here is a Swift4 demo… so I don’t think it is going to be a simple “declare” or two

//This framework contains authentication helper codes
import LocalAuthentication
class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBAction func touchIdAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
        print("hello there!.. You have clicked the touch ID")
        let myContext = LAContext()
        let myLocalizedReasonString = "Biometric Authntication testing !! "
        var authError: NSError?
        if #available(iOS 8.0, macOS 10.12.1, *) {
            if myContext.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: &authError) {
                myContext.evaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, localizedReason: myLocalizedReasonString) { success, evaluateError in
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        if success {
                            // User authenticated successfully, take appropriate action
                            self.successLabel.text = "Awesome!!... User authenticated successfully"
                        } else {
                            // User did not authenticate successfully, look at error and take appropriate action
                            self.successLabel.text = "Sorry!!... User did not authenticate successfully"
            } else {
                // Could not evaluate policy; look at authError and present an appropriate message to user
                successLabel.text = "Sorry!!.. Could not evaluate policy."
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions
            successLabel.text = "Ooops!!.. This feature is not supported."

Yes. Antonio has ARUnlock on sale:

Yes. Try it and contact me for a licence.

The XDC 2019 app has faceID authentication

Well so far I don’t see it in the options on 2019R2 so I guess it is something done internal or used Antonio’s plugin. So far unfortunately iOS and Web was some kind forgotten, I’m even thinking to change the license for a Desktop only as I guess paying PRO for many years and not using a lot from it due to limitations kind of defeats the purpose of having it .

Hope to see some new changes and improvements to make me don’t change my mind and actually be able to use Web and iOS somewhere mid next year the latest . for the moment for the Web side is way faster to code in laravel than to code in Xojo .

iOS , just did a project one year ago, and today just started in XOJO, does not work anymore , so I guess I will have to redo most of it .

There’s nothing that should cause you to need to do this.