Win 7 Home Premium w/SP1??

Hey all,

I’ve got a customer who is having a number of crashes or runtime errors with my app. He’s running Windows 7 Home Premium w/ SP1. The app was compiled with Xojo 2018r4.

The Xojo website just says minimum OS is Windows 7 SP1. Does that include the Home and/or HomePremium editions?



It should be fine if they are all patched up and you have built/distributed with included runtime dll’s as long as your app doesn’t do something super specific.

Here’s a comparison chart

[quote=421379:@]built/distributed[/quote] Distributing is a nonsense on windows. To do so it is a prerequisite that the SO hass all the previous updates. It take HOURS in some cases, and in others, it just don’t work.

But, the built in works just fine. So, @Jon Ogden, are you compiling usin the Include Runtime DLLs option?