Building a list of Serial devices takes minutes under Windows?

I am working on an xplatform Desktop app that uses barcode readers. Serial devices connected via USB converters are no problem, as are Bluetooth readers featuring Serial Port Protocol mode (SPP) which is sufficient. Sadly the solution for the latter ones is only wirable under Mac, where connecting to an emulated serial device takes a bit longer than to a native one, but all is perfectly acceptable.

Und Windows, building the list of serial devices takes several minutes once such a reader is connected.
Is this a known behaviour, and can I do anything to reduce the time? Or would MBS be a way to go?

Thanks a lot!

EDIT: Could it be that <> has risen from the grave?

Wouldn’t be the first time they’ve unfixed something to fix another issue.

It very much looks like that because WindowsSerialPortsMBS fixes the problem.

[quote=419613:@Ulrich Bogun]It very much looks like that because WindowsSerialPortsMBS fixes the problem.

Yeap, that is a Xojo bug. But, the WindowsSerialPortsMBS is a third party product so, you should refer it as a proof of the bug in xojo, not as a workaround.

You can also use a Shell and call out to the “mode” command. Something like this:

theShell.Execute "mode | findstr ""COM"""

You are right and I included the info. Sorry for adding a “d” to your family name!