Runtime Error D2DFactory II

Today I tried to install and run my app in a windows 7 PC and I couldn’t. I got a runtime error. Not only my app but every Xojo made app (CubeSQL admin for example) would crash with the same error.

I’ve found another post about this on the forum.
I need to find a solution or a workaround asap.
Ideas ?

I only found:

My guess, there is something missing on the windows 7 PC. It looks like is not a common thing, for that there is no clear solution. Sorry.

yep… that’s the same post I’ve found…

Do you have Platform Updates installed on that Windows 7 PC?

Are you including the runtime libraries in your Windows build?

I’ll check everything on the customer’s pc tomorrow and let you know, guys… thanks for your input.

Alright… here’s the thing… I didn’t even get to check if the Platform Updates were installed…

Here’s what happens… after I install the app (or an update) and run it AVAST does the dreaded ‘fast scan’ of the exe and it crashes my app with the former runtime error. After that no program compiled with Xojo can run on the PC until a reboot, when everything comes back to normal.

This is obviously (to me) a consequence of something AVAST does there. When it does NOT scan, everything’s ok. When it scans, it leaves the OS (or whatever layer involved it is) in a state where ever xojo compiled app crashed with that runtime error.

In addition there’s the variable of the Platform Update which I didn’t even check, because a reboot fixed it.
But it fixed the issue until I install the next update of my app and AVAST scans it again… then… again the crash and the reboot to fix it.
Not something I like. But at least there’s a workaround, and I know who to blame…