Loading PDF file using Htmlviewer in Linux

I need to load a pdf file using htmlviewer in desktop app. It’s not working in Linux machine. Is there any way to load a pdf file either using htmlviewer or other cöntrols in Linux?(other than fileitem.launch method).
Please help.

@Eduardo Gutierrez de Oliveira has written an excellent class for displaying PDF’s in a HTMLViewer. See the conversation https://forum.xojo.com/conversation/post/400601 for more info. He has kindly published the source code at https://github.com/eduo/XojoPdfJs.

In the example project(taken from the link you provided above) getting one error “Error opening file: No such file or directory” in Linux machine even if specify the correct location of pdf file. All the necessary files destination is proper.

Please reply at the earliest.

We’re going to need a bit more explanation.

It clearly is not :slight_smile: The hard part is finding out why it isn’t.

Where are you getting the error? What file is trying to be opened? When did the error show up?

This is not necessary :slight_smile:

[quote=409216:@Eduardo Gutierrez de Oliveira]
We’re going to need a bit more explanation.[/quote]

When running in linux it gives that error. In mac its fine

[quote=409216:@Eduardo Gutierrez de Oliveira]
It clearly is not :slight_smile: The hard part is finding out why it isn’t.

Where are you getting the error? What file is trying to be opened? When did the error show up?[/quote]

when loading file, i mean when we open a pdf file using the button and trying to load in htmlviwer it gives that error
