CURLSMBS Error 27 'SSL: couldn't create a context'

I have an urgent issue with AWS using CURLMBS. I have not changed any of my CURL code, but today it is returns an error #27 when I run the below code to upload or download a file:

returnValue = myCURLSMBS.PerformMT

Internally to the CURLSMBS class the LastErrorMessage is:

SSL: couldn't create a context: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)

I can download the files using CyberDuck and when logged into the AWS Console.

Any ideas on what could be happening?

BTW I am using the latest 18.5 plugins. It does NOT give the same error with the 18.4 plugins, so I have gone back to them.

Seems like I build a version without usable SSL.

Please use older version till we have an update.

I fixed it, I hope.
So new plugins will be available soon.