Textfield Backcolor


Can anyone try textfield’s backcolor ?

  • Create new Textfield
  • In Gotfocus : me.BackColor=&cE1C3DB
  • In Lostfocus : me.BackColor=&cFFFFFF

When textfield lost focus, backcolor does not change.

Using Ubuntu 18.04 and Xojo 2018R2.

Works on Mac OSX 10.12 and Xojo 2018R2.

Can anyone test this with Ubuntu and Xojo 2018R2 ?

You already did, and we believe you. It works on Mac OSX.

You should file a feedback report so they fix it for the next release.

OK, just tested with PopOS (Ubuntu derivative). The color change does not happen in the LostFocus event. The event is triggered though (tested by adding some text).

Same applies for a TextArea control. Haven’t tried any others.