Apache rewite of Xojo webapp url

I’m sure someone has already answered this but haven’t been able to find anything in the forums.

I would like to rewrite the Xojo webapp URL to be easier for the user. I’m not an Apache expert but can fuddle my way around their docs.

Rewrite https://my.app to https://my.app/cgi-bin/ma/myapp.cgi
Rewrite https://api.my.app to https://my.app/cgi-bin/ma/myapp.cgi/api

Thank you in advance.

Not exactly what you want but I was able to access:




adding this to .htaccess

RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^myapp/? /cgi-bin/myapp.cgi [NC,PT]

For an app per domain maybe I’ll go with standalone and not cgi. Still new to web apps.