shell commands on Windows - pdftk

I have a program written and working on Linux. It rearranges pages in pdf files so they can be printed into sections that fold up into books. I may need to make a version for Windows 7 or 8. I don’t have a Windows machine available for testing, the user will have to test it himself.
I know that pdftk does exist for Windows. What concerns me is path names and locations of files.

In the Linux program this command works:

sh.execute "pdftk " + Replaceall(App.OrigPdf.NativePath, " ", "\\ ") + " burst output " + Replaceall(App.BurstsFolder.NativePath, " ", "\\ ") + "/page_%03d.pdf"

and it separates a book into a series of one page books.

sh.Execute "pdftk " + s + " output " + path + "/Sig" + Str(n) + ".pdf"

recombines pages in another order. “s” is a string that includes the path to a folderitem. “path” is the path to another folderitem.

I know that Windows uses backslash in paths and I read that I can use the caret to escape spaces. Is that all I need to change?

On linux, I just put the folder with the app and support files in a folder in “home” and it can access files anywhere in “home”. Can I just put the app folder in C: and let the used put files anywhere he wants?

I’m sorry if I haven’t been clear or haven’t given enough info. I haven’t made anything for Windows for a long time.


Download VirtualBox (free)
Download a Windows 7,8 or 10 VM for VirtualBox (free)

Give it a try for yourself :slight_smile: