Picture Logo

Hi I’m completely new to Webb Apps, I like to add a logo on top left corner on my APP but I don’t know how to do it, or what the right approach is,

  1. I want the user to be able to change it,
  2. the Image will resize to the canvas or imagewell

should this logo be saves to a database or folder in the project?

could anyone give me an example or a link with the information?


I have been trying this , but it keeps getting me the error, There is more than one item with this name and it’s not clear to which this refers.

also the picture is in root folder of the project.

dim f as folderitem = GetFolderItem("Logo.png")
dim p as picture = f.OpenAsPicture
Dim scale As Double = 0.30

g.Drawpicture(p, 430, 320, p.Width * scale, p.Height * scale, 0, 0, p.Width, p.Height)

and what item is it indicating? as I doubt your program consists of only these 4 lines?

I have only those 4 lines, I have just being playing around with different controls, and today I wanted to practice the canvas and imagewell control, I created a new application to make sure I would not get conflicting code.

Most of my programming is KUKA robots, and VBA Access and Excel, I know very little about XOJO


g is probably a WebGraphics so you have too many parameters for DrawPicture which is why its getting confused.


Put a breakpoint in the front of the g.DrawPicture line.
Run, and in the debugger check the values of f, p and Scale.

Also: where that code was set ?

[quote=395186:@]g is probably a WebGraphics so you have too many parameters for DrawPicture which is why its getting confused.

Right. WebGraphics.DrawPicture has four parameters, not eight.

If you want to scale the picture, do it on the server and then draw it to the canvas.

I suspect a Desktop code.