Feedback points

Granted the Feedback points are just a suggestion for Xojo to know what the users want, I see there is now a situation where the whole mechanism is spoiled in some way.

If you check the Top Cases, you will notice some cases are there since years and they will be probably never implemented.
I don’t want to discuss here why they will not be implemented, they probably have their good reason. However, as a user and having a limited number of points, is a waste to keep my points on something that is a dead horse.
I could probably move my points to something else, but if I do that and everyone else do, the ranking of those cases will fall down, as if it’s not important anymore.

This is not useful for users and not even for Xojo, due a lot of Feedback points are frozen on those cases.

I believe Xojo should clearly state some cases will not be implemented in a foreseeable future, freeze those cases and free the points for users to be better used for other cases.

This would be not only fair for the users, but even more useful for Xojo, to get a REAL list of priorities.

As usual, this situation is complex.

Probably mainly because of lack of time. If they do not had to work n Cocoa, 64 Bits and others I forgot, they probably take some times to squash many more bugs / add more new features.

What we do not know too is how bugs are searched and also why this one is removed and not that other one.

For new features too, we ignore how they are implemented. They use some (PopOver) that they do not expose for us (probably lack of time too, as developers, we can understand that).

I’m sure some are so hard to implement, they will never be.

Just switch the system to up-voting instead of a fixed quantity of points per user.

I’d like to hear the opnion of @Norman Palardy or better @Geoff Perlman about this fact.

Last Norman activity on forum: 6 months ago. Don’t hold your breath.