Internet speed detection

Hi Guys,

Any suggestion on how to get the internet speed of user from xojo web app?

I believed this is very important aspect to get from user so that we can detect early on if he/she can proceed with the web application process specially those part with heavy data record retrieval.

Had the same problem a while ago. You let the user download something and you measure how long this takes. For my case I download an a number of email headers. I do the ticks before and after. Then the number of the mails is adjusted so that I have a very simple self-adjusting speed:

[code]dim StartTicks as Integer = Ticks

CkoHeaderTask = CkoImap.FetchSequenceHeadersAsync(counter + 1, NoOfHeaders)
'other code

dim EndTicks as Integer = Ticks
if StartTicks - EndTicks > 60 and NoOfHeaders > 10 then
NoOfHeaders = NoOfHeaders - 10
ElseIf StartTicks - EndTicks <= 60 and NoOfHeaders < 100 then
NoOfHeaders = NoOfHeaders + 10
end if[/code]


But I need I think what we need is to measure the bandwidth. The help us to sort out why our xojo web app got error 502, 504 etc.

I hope somebody can share their though.

You can’t really measure bandwidth. Bandwidth can be there one second and the next second the user starts a large download in the background. Or starts Netflix or whatever.

Switch to https 2.0 and you should see performance increase dramatically.

@Beatrix Willius Simple but great solution! This test will measure network latency.