Setting Font Size while Printing

Struggling with interpretation of syntax a bit here

I set the size and type using
Dim courier As New iOSFont(“Courier”, 36)

But how do I change the size of subsequent text?“Test Text”, 100, 50,580, iOSTextAlignment.Left, True) ’ Left-aligned

Maybe like this (not tested)

[code]Dim newFont as new iOSFont(, 18) //Small font = newFont

newFont = new iOSFont(, 80) //Big font = newFont

Maybe like this (not tested)

newFont = new iOSFont(, 80) //Big font <---- just change the size, without knowing what the previous font name was

Interestingly it prints perfectly from within the simulator but when you print from an iPhone it only prints out approx 1/8 of the page size and with no font size variation??